Social responsibility
Our mission: equal opportunities.
At Fortil, our staff have some truly inspiring success stories: from retraining and internships to disabled and senior workers – their personal backgrounds have never held them back from success.
This ambitious community, always striving for excellence, is guided by its determination and work, allowing it to achieve each of its goals.
We are committed to the transmission of knowledge.
The shortage of engineering jobs available highlights the inequality of opportunities faced by many candidates on the job market. Aware of this incoherence, we are committed to fighting against any form of exclusion. We sponsor students from disadvantaged areas by guiding them towards engineering and supporting their professional integration.

The capacity of our engineers to transmit our vision, values and practices allows young people to build their own reference points, develop their professional network and to benefit from concrete exchanges with our teams in order to build their career plans.
Naturally, we are also firmly committed in our recruitment and integration phases with regard to non-discriminatory criteria, combatting injustice and exclusion. We work to create an inclusive workplace, accessible to all.
An ecosystem resolutely focused on our CSR challenges.
From the very beginning, FORTIL’s aim has been to combine strong growth with sustainable development. As our expansion strives to be sustainable and ethical, CSR challenges permeate all our actions.

We are working to develop a CSR policy that optimally responds to the social and environmental concerns of our ecosystem. As our policy is challenged by performance indicators that allow us to continue to adjust our approach, our work is intended to serve a more inclusive society. In 2023, we were awarded the gold medal in the Ecovadis audit, measuring and therefore certifying our CSR progress.

We are part of the UN Global Compact movement working towards sustainable development. The 10 principles and 17 objectives measure our actions in terms of human rights and international standards for work, the environment and the fight against corruption.

Paqte is a national programme that reflects our commitment to greater economic and social inclusion for disadvantaged areas. Every year, we set targets for the recruitment, training and coaching of young people from underprivileged neighbourhoods.

The FACE foundation reflects our commitment to fight exclusion, discrimination and poverty. Through an annual scheme, we contribute towards professional integration, allowing everyone to find their place within society.

Both internally and externally, we continue to work on the social, environmental, ethical and responsible aspects of our processes.
We encourage social initiatives and innovations that allow FORTIL or its ecosystem to create positive-feedback circles. As a result, the group commits all its partners, clients and suppliers within a collective approach to sustainable performance.