
Solving your operational challenges driven by the digital age

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The challenges of the finance sector have been greatly transformed by new technologies and their impact on the market. Performance must stay on course in the face of increasing competition and more stringent regulations.

We support our clients towards sustainable solutions that respond to their operational-production and security goals by integrating the risks and constraints of regulatory compliance.

We cover the entire Front-to-Back-Office processing chain, as well as any related functions.

Our solutions

Capital Market

Capital markets will see their models change as a result of the digital transformations that have taken place over the last few years. With Capital Market, we offer solutions to your operations and dedicate ourselves to your strategic focuses.

Our managers work on the Front-to-Back-Office chain, handling the purchase and sale of OTC products (collateral, confirmation and settlement). We will also offer advice on collective investment schemes, securities or even accounting management.

Private Capital

Our managers help our clients through any issues with investment, aiming to create value and support their growth.

Working around these strategic points, our teams handle the monitoring of private-equality funds, real estate, infrastructure and loans by intervening in the valuing, accounting and active/passive management of funds.

Structured finance

Real estate, air, rail or marine transport, infrastructure, energy, or even acquisition: these various areas of financing all need to be structured and secured in order to be integrated into a sustainable and profitable project.

The management of your financial-processing chain forms part of our Structured Finance solution. From agency to drawdown and renewal, including covenants and agreements, our experts will guide you through your project’s success.

Trade finance

Companies in the banking sector face a major challenge in combining a high level of security with seamless issue control, without delaying the processing of transactions. Our Trade Finance managers contribute to the success of your international exchanges by managing your risk-coverage and financing products.

Loans, as well as any documentary remittance and international guarantees are handled by our teams in order to streamline your organisations and thereby accelerate your processes.

Our case studies