3D design of last resort diesel equipment

3D design of last resort diesel equipment Project Transformation of the last resort Silos S2 and S4 into secondary evacuation Connection of Silos S2 Non-compliant ash to secondary discharge Connection of the S4 Ash Silo to the secondary discharge Integration of technical modifications to improve the current system Creation of a 3D global model 3D […]

Development laboratory

Refurbishment of an existing analytical and microbiology laboratory to create a DPD (Drug Product Development) laboratory​

Implementation of a BFS line

Implementation of a Blow Fill Seal (BFS) line: sterile veterinary eye drops in single/multi-doses in a new building.

Engineering studies and support for the nuclear sector

Engineering studies and support for the nuclear sector Project Duration 6 people ITER 56 people Achievements Mechanical engineering Studies (design, integration, layout) Calculation (meshing, analysis, linear, non-linear, seismic, thermal) Large-scale identification and centralisation of components Conversion and management of 2D/3D data exchanges Analysis of the integration of elements in a complex environment General and technical […]