Securities lending/borrowing management – Capital markets
Maintaining excellent cooperation with the Front Office teams, Guaranteeing customer relations through exchanges with the counterparties’ middle and back office teams, ensuring the continuity of the front office teams with the counterparties
Implementation of Efront MO Private Capital
Preparation of call and cash notices in Efront, preparation of distribution and cash notices in Efront, preparation of investor closings and investments
IT optimisation for the financial services of the civil service
Centralisation of the PISTE project logs, implementation of an ELK cluster in production, supporting the client with their digital transformation
Middle-Office Private Equity
Creation of funds, fundraising and underwriting, distribution and redemption, placement of orders
IT development for Cash Management
PowerBuilder v11.5 and v12, PL-SQL, Oracle, Langage C, ScriptShell, MQ-series, CFT, Sencha Architecte, Eclipse, Tomcat, Actimize, Freemind